Wisdom and Clarity


Cosmic Sacred Flames for Divine Wisdom and Divine Clarity

Small: 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches | $10.00
Medium: 4 inches by 5 inches | $15.00
Large: 8.5 inches by 11 inches | $30.00

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The Divine Wisdom Hologram is like a “conditioner.” It detangles our energy field, clears fogginess, assists in healing the brain and brings Wisdom into all areas of our lives. It moves us into Divine Wisdom rather than 3D thinking.

The more we work with the Wisdom Hologram, the more wisdom we have of all of the Flames and a complete clarity on how to work with Them and how to use the Holograms.

This is not just an earth piece but a piece that connects us to Infinity. There are no boundaries here. This helps us to develop healthy energetic boundaries so that we are not carried away on distorted, non-beneficial energies.

There is an amazing portal here. It is Infinites. It is a portal of Love. We are in a universe of Wisdom. We can all receive Divine Wisdom and It works with us within our own hearts. This Hologram is so gentle, so soft and so filled with grace and therefore so beautifully strong.

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Large ($30), Medium ($15), Small ($10)