Cosmic Harmony Flame


Cosmic Harmony Flame

Small: 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches | $10.00
Medium: 4 inches by 5 inches | $15.00
Large: 8.5 inches by 11 inches | $30.00


We are to call everything forth from our “Presence” and we will not have to carry our physical energy into it but we gather more of that great Energy that is the sustaining Power.

We must have Harmony in order to fulfill our decrees, in order to fulfill our Divine Plan. We can call forth for the indestructible Harmony and then call forth the Invincible Protection of that Harmony.

We can ask our I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters to charge our world with Divine Harmony and Divine Control. We then demand that Harmony is to be made invincibly protected for eternity.

As we move into the new cycle, it is most important that we purify and harmonize ourselves.

It is so important to understand that self-control, dominion and harmony in the feelings are Open Doors to the Perfection of the whole Universe. The Perfection of the Universe will flood into our world and find expression there. It is the Law of Life!

The reason for limitation of every kind is in accepting or giving power to outer appearances, anything that is not eternal, anything that is out of alignment with Divine Harmony.

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Large ($30), Medium ($15), Small ($10)