Three Fold Flame


7 Fold Flame of Cosmic Wisdom of Cosmic Love for the Restoration of Illumination in Humanity

Small: 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches | $10.00
Medium: 4 inches by 5 inches | $15.00
Large: 8.5 inches by 11 inches | $30.00

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The Ascended Masters have said that if had the Three Fold Flame ((also call the Unfed Flame) focused in our homes, the radiation pouring froth from even a tiny Unfed Flame would keep all of our limitations consumed. This is the flame of the Balance of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power and Its Purity is so great and the radiation of the Love of our I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters is so intense that this keeps our world very divinely purified, abundant, balanced and divinely ordered. When the Three Fold Flame is in a home, there can be no “lack” of anything.

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Large ($30), Medium ($15), Small ($10)