Laser Healing and Rejuvination


Cosmic Sacred Flames for Laser Healing and Rejuvination

Small: 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches | $10.00
Medium: 4 inches by 5 inches | $15.00
Large: 8.5 inches by 11 inches | $30.00

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The Sacred Flame Laser Hologram can be used to break up blockages and transmute them. It can be used for longevity, healing on all levels and clarity. Lasers are very focused light amp0lifications. Lasers can record and retrieve information, fix the human body and heal all aspects of ourselves. The Laser Hologram mends, heals, and seals our aura with the Sacred Flames. Much to experience with this Hologram as with all of the Holograms.

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Large ($30), Medium ($15), Small ($10)