Tiffany – Hong Kong

我很感恩經歷這一年多的體驗讓自己各方面也改善很多, 整個人變得正面開心,自信多了。神聖火焰給我的人生帶來很多改變及幫助。:)

Before experience with Sacred Flames, I did not know we could clear negative energy out, and clearing is very important for us. I grow up from a very traditional Chinese culture background, it is little difficult to explain how i was influenced from my original family, and both parents was influenced by their own original family issue, cyclically under a negative environment. I don’t want to keep in negative thinking way but I couldn’t get it control because I realise now my energy was very low.

I remembered after first class of Divine Abundance, I could actually feel my body feel lighter & see things clear, feeling better & happier.

Almost everyday I have my 4 Blue clearing all negative energy, I love to work with archangels when my emotion body got attack, archangels helps me every time.

After one-year experience with sacred flames, I feel myself inside and outside is getting better and better in a positive way & happier & more confidence than I used to be. Sacred Flames and Holograms help and change my life journey.

Tiffany – Hong Kong